Sunday 4 July 2021

What is the best video marketing tip?

 The demand for videos is growing at an impressively rapid pace and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Today, it is difficult for any business to sustain without videos. But, the question is how do you do it effectively?

If you think of it, video marketing is really simple, all you need to do is record and post videos. But with a high quality camera in your smartphone, everyone can do that. So, what you really need is a solid video marketing strategy in place if you wish to stand out. And how do we know this? Well, 4 decades of video production teaches you a lot and here are some tips that would help make your video marketing efforts even more worthwhile.

1. Never promote your products or services directly, instead leverage the power of storytelling to ignite strong emotions. Show them how your product or service can help them in real life. 80% of people prefer brands that tell stories so why not make use of it.

2. The first 10 seconds of your video matter the most. If you can’t manage to hook the audience within that short time frame your video would be lost in the crowd of other videos. Unless you make it crystal clear within the first 10 seconds why the audience should watch your video, about one fifth of them would click away from it.

3. 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound. It’s the same for other social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter. So, make sure to add closed captions to increase engagement, click throughs and leads.

4. Search engine marketing forms a big part of any digital marketing strategy, so you need to make sure that your video has the right keywords, comprehensive video description, relevant tags, closed captions and a keyword rich transcript. Optimizing your content for two of the largest search engines, Google and YouTube, you can take your video marketing ROI to a whole new level.

5. Don’t forget to include a call to action, otherwise all your efforts would go to a waste. The viewer who watched the entire video is the one who is genuinely interested in your offerings so let them know what to do next.

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