Wednesday 23 June 2021

What are some cool photography tricks?

As a photographer, there’s nothing more satisfying than mastering a new photography technique or learning a cool new trick. It opens up new possibilities, inspires, and boosts your creativity. Here are some interesting photography tricks to impress your peers.

  • Create Motion Blur Using Pan

Motion blur is the art of capturing a moving object, and this technique is often used to capture motion in sports photography. If you want to capture a subject in motion, then you can use the panning technique. You need to slow down the shutter speed and “pan” the camera moving it along to follow the subject. Remember to hold your camera still.

  • Overexpose in Low Light

Many people would tell you overexposing is bad but, there are some conditions where overexposing can get you some amazing photos. For example, you can use overexposure settings in your camera to purposefully overexpose your photo in low-light situations. This way you will end up with brightly burnt-out images. It’s very effective when you are photographing brightly colorful objects.

  • Get to the Ground

Capture a completely different point of view for your shots by getting down on the ground. You might get dirty in the process but the shots will be worth it. Play around with interesting foregrounds to get the desired shot.

  • Get Up High

Take a drone, soar high in the sky and take amazing aerial photographs. This will again give your viewers a completely new point of view of the same old subject. Aerial or drone photography is not just for those with helicopters, chartered airplanes, and hot air balloons. If you can arrange for a drone and stay within the specified limits this is a cool photography trick that you must try.

  • Add Nostalgia with ISO

There’s something about photos with lots of grain, it adds a nostalgic feel to it. It’s as if these subjects belong to some other era altogether. For such an effect, you would have to override your camera’s ISO settings by boosting them right up to the maximum number available. It works perfectly for black and white shots.

At the end of the day photography is an art, the more you experiment the more you would learn. Hope we were able to help you inspire.


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